Body wraps

Wrapping is one of the most popular procedures in cosmetology today. Allows you to eliminate excess fluid, effectively fights cellulite and helps with faster weight loss. Also, the procedure is useful for the skin: it becomes smoother, even, elastic. The wrapping procedure involves exposing the skin to effective substances in creams, algae, chocolate, etc. Usually, a thin cellophane film is applied on top to create a warming effect that enhances the result of the procedure.

Benefits of the procedure for your skin:
  • improves blood circulation in problem areas
  • enhances the lymphatic drainage effect
  • removes excess fluid from the body
  • reduces the percentage of body fat
  • corrects the figure, improves the contours of the body
  • tightens the dermis in problem areas

  • pregnancy and lactation
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • dermatological skin problems
  • kidney failure
  • lesions of the female reproductive system
  • oncological diseases

Types of wraps: honey, chocolate, algae, ginger, papaya, cooling.

The duration of the procedure is 30 min.

Price - 300 shekel.

See also