Cedar hot tub

It is a wellness procedure aimed at improving metabolic processes in the body and removing toxins from it. The principle of the barrel is similar to that of a steam sauna. For a better effect one can use special containers with different essential oils and phyto collections. The length of the procedure depends on the patient's age, physique and health.
The cedar barrel is useful for solving the following problems:
  • prevention and treatment of colds
  • treatment of blood vessels and improvement blood circulation
  • improving immunity and general health improvement of the body
  • removing toxins from the body and correction of metabolism
  • treatment for the nerves and stress management
  • figure correction, fight against cellulite and overweight
  • prevention and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • prevention of early aging
  • treatment of psoriasis and dermatitis
  • relaxation before a massage session
  • improvement of the effect of body shaping procedures

Price - 250 shekel

See also